For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

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Race Directors:

Q: Do athletes really look for results?

A: Absolutely!  Professional timing adds value to your events and quick reliable results are expected from participants.  Let us handle the hassle of timing and results.  Regardless the size of your event, contact us to see how we can help.

Q: Are professional timing services within my race budget?

A: Absolutely!  We offer different plans based on the size of your event.  Contact us for a quote and to see the services we offer.


Q: If I don’t wear my chip will I still be on the results?

A:  We strive to ensure everyone who participated is on the results.  If you lost or forgot your chip, contact us before the event if possible.  However, we do run a backup system to verify our results, so all finishers will be on the final results.

Q: Where should I wear my chip?

A:  If the RFID chip is located on the bib, please leave it there and do not bend or fold your bib.  If you are given a seperate chip, we ask that it is placed on the outside of your right shoe.

Q: What if I don’t see my name on the results?

A:  Our goal is to have everyone where they belong on the results.  If you feel your name is missing or in the wrong place, please contact us and we will work to correct the error.